Avalanche Peak, Arthur’s Pass (New Zealand)

Hiker in bottom right lookign over expansive view of snow capped mountains

This delightful out and return hike or loop hike (via Scott’s Track) starts from Arthur’s Pass. There are some steep, rocky sections initially, and a cat’s spine just before the peak. The out-and-return track is very steep, ascending more than 1km in 2.5 km, but oh my, it is worth it! There is also a loop option, which we would have done had we known about it, as well as multiday treks through the surrounding peaks. Because the weather is so fickle, leisurely hikers with a flexible timeframe are best placed to take advantage of good weather.

Distance is between 5 and 7 km (3.1 to 4.3 miles) depending on which route your take: elevation gain a little over 1,000 m (3,300 feet).

Once you clear the treeline, you have expansive views into the valleys on either side of the pass and to the surrounding mountains.  It is a stunning short walk for good weather. In poor weather, the track’s exposed sections above the treeline are potentially dangerous, and there will be no views at the top.  Choose somewhere else. When we hiked, there was low mist that was forecast to burn off into a perfectly sunny day, and it did. On such a day, this is one of the best short walks you’ll find anywhere.

Steep rocky track through dense mossy forest a small yellow triangle marks the way

Almost as soon as you start climbing, there is steep scrambling through the lush forest

two stunted moss covered trees along rocky track in forest

Stay with it!

If the weather is clear, you will be rewarded soon!

hiker part way up very steep incline with moss covered rocks and tree roots

More scrambling:

my goodness, this track is steep!

gnarly tree in centre with cloud just above  dense forests surround

Beautiful gnarled trees

Hiker looking across to another peak in sunlight with clouds below in the valley

We are above the mist!

Hiker with outstretched arms marking the distinct line where the trees stop and the alpine grasses grow s

And finally, we emerge above the tree line into bright sunshine!

Marvellous views to the west…

… equally stunning views east

Flower with large white petals and yellow centre

And at our feet, glorious alpine Mt Cook buttercup (Ranunculus lyallii)

Hiker next on slope with short alpine grasses next to trail marker post with yellow top looking at snow capped mountains in distance

Still more climbing, up the spine! The views are getting more amazing with every step

View of narrow track along spine of mountain towards valley below and mountains in distance


The narrow spine – we’re nearly there

It feels quite exposed but in good weather you’ll be fine

And here we are. A tiny spot with 360-degree views. Just glorious.

Large parrot like brownie green bird with big curved beak

With the resident naughty kea to keep us company. What a walk!

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