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This copyright statement applies to all original text, photography & images found on this website unless otherwise credited.
© Copyright 2012-2025 Helen McKerral. All rights reserved.
The text and photographs contained on this site are copyrighted and protected under Australian copyright laws and are the property of Helen McKerral (unless otherwise attributed).
No permission, either express or implied, is granted for the electronic transmission, storage, retrieval, or printing of photographs and/or text contained on slowerhiking.com, other than that which is related to the normal "caching" practices of web browsers and activities such as downloading solely for your personal enjoyment.
Express written permission must be granted from the copyright holder, Helen McKerral, in order to use these photographs and/or text for any purpose that is not outlined above.
In particular, any commercial use of any photography or text on this site without prior written consent from Helen McKerral is a violation of this copyright statement.
To obtain consent, interested parties should send an e-mail to slowerhiking@gmail.com, specifying:
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Consent may or may not be granted at the sole discretion of Helen McKerral. Permission will usually be granted free of charge for educational and/or non-commercial/not-for-profit use if material is fully attributed and linked to slowerhiking.com