Day 3: Lake Ball, Lake Adelaide and Lake Meston
Very wild and wet weather overnight and it still looks menacing, so we decide to stay in the valley and abort another attempt at King David’s Peak. Instead, we head off to Lake Meston and camp at its head - we will now be a day ahead of our original plan but, in the process, have missed our easy day in Dixons Kingdom. And the track whilst clearly distinguishable is partially overgrown and with logs to climb over. The scrubbiness of the track makes this a longer day than originally expected. An enjoyable day none the less with many interesting and beautiful aspects.
We meet a walking group coming the other way and show them these tiny orchids.
Pterostylis dubia, left, and Chiloglottis right. As an orchid fan, I’m stoked to find them. Geoff always patiently waits for me to shoot them and over the years has become a pretty good spotter himself!