Day 55: Long Point to Mt Clare

We acknowledge the Nyoongar People as the traditional custodians of the land and waters along the Bibbulmun Track

hiker looking across lowland from ridge with pink flowers in foreground very grey sky with rain showers in distance

Today brings new landscapes, including the unique giant tingle trees that exist only in a tiny area around Walpole. But the weather forecast is grim and even worse for tomorrow, so we end up doing something unexpected for the very first time.

Aerial overview map

Use Bibbulmun Track Foundation Map 7 - Walpole

elevation gain 380 m loss 260 m over 14.5 km

The standard day from Long Point to Mt Clare is still a good day’s walk

hiker in full wet weather gear walking in light rain

We all hesitate to head out in the bucketing rain but there’s nothing for it: we have to go.

close up of small green Prasophyllum orchid with water droplets on it

And, like a tiny sparkly gift in the drizzle, a new orchid, not in peak condition, but thrilling: the Little Laughing Leek orchid (Prasophyllum gracile)

hiker with orange backpack walking along single track through thick shrubs

It rains and rains and rains... I wonder what (who) the orchid was laughing at!

hiker on meandering track fringed by differnt cloured flowers and vegetation under grey rainy sky

… but oh my, even in the grey, the flowers pop with colour.

close up of small white ball small ball shaped flower

Dasypogon bromeliifolius (Pineapple Bush)

hiker walking through wide shin deep pool of water

Unbelievably, we encounter more wading. Oh well, our boots have not yet had a chance to dry… but oooh, the water is cold!

hiker walking from cleared area into forest along leafy track fringed by yellow flowers

We’re ducking into and out of forest, and into and out of rain.

When the skies clear, the views open up.

hiker looking back from ridge at meandering track low shrubs below with sea in background

Looking back the way we’ve come.

hiker walking through thick low vegetation with many pink flowers but heavy rain ahead

More rain comes and goes in sweeping squalls.

stem like trigger plant with purple flowers

The Lovely Triggerplant (Stylidium amoenum)

close up of large spider orchid

This is another karri spider (Caladenia brownii) but it is huge, almost twice the size of any I’ve seen thus far.

hiker on vehicle wide sandy track amongst many kangaroo paw plants

Walking amongst the kangaroo paws (Anigozanthos flavidus)

close up of hammer orchid

Many orchids right through this section, including Drakaea thynniphila

close up of King in his Carriage orchid

… and King in his Carriage (Drakaea glyptodon).

hiker walking along narrow meandering leafy forest track

Beautiful paths winding through the forest…

leafy forest track meanderign around trees and logs covered with moss

… with bright lime-green moss. It’s delightful.

white interpretative sign with black writing

We are still heading inland. The sign above describes the different vegetation types we will soon see.

hiker in full wet weather gear on swing bridge made from wire rope with timber walking platform

Crossing the river…

hier ducking under massive fallen tree over track

…followed by a knee-buckling climb up to Mt Clare. There are few photos because it’s just so wet.

three sdided timber hut in dark dank forest hiker sitting at picnic table under roof with glum expression

We arrive at Mt Clare and, although there are still rain showers, the hut is not inviting.

We take another good look at the map. We know it’s all downhill and only 10km to Walpole, so the map is reassuring. And it’s still early… lunchtime really, and tomorrow’s forecast is even worse than today. Why not keep going, and complete our first proper double-hut? I mean, we’ve done one before, slower-hiker style, ( spending two nights in one hut!) but this seems doable and the lure of a warm bed, pub food and hot showers proves irresistible. We ring our accommodation whilst we have reception and lock in an extra night.

Pat and Helen arrive just as we’re about to leave: you can see they’re as thrilled by the conditions as we were! They also push on into Walpole.

small wet and gloomy cleared area in forest for single tent

Again, the campsites would be terrific in clear weather, but everything is dripping. We continue onwards!


Day 54: Woolbales to Long Point


Days 55 to 58: Mt Clare to Walpole and Rest Days in Walpole