The Bibbulmun Track: The Best Long Distance Wildflower Walk for Slower Hikers
The best wildflower trek in the world… the best long distance trek for leisurely hikers… and the best long distance hike for first-time through hikers. The Bibbulmun ticks all the boxes!
Planning and Tips for a Leisurely Bibbulmun Hike
Here is how we tweaked the “standard” itinerary for a more leisurely pace, and to make some of more demanding sections less so. As always, you learn about the hike while hiking, so we’re also sharing what we learnt through the hike that would have made it even easier, as well as answers to questions we were often asked.
Vegetation, Orchids and other Wildflowers of The Bibbulmun Track
It’s party time for Orchid enthusiasts on the Bibbulmun Track. We spotted and photographed over 85 different species in flower during our hike… and all are included in our orchid gallery attached to this post!