Dehydrated Bolognese

This recipe makes 8 - 10 serves. I add extra vegetables to make this a more balanced meal, and omit milk from the classic recipe. However, you could add milk powder after dehydrating if you prefer, to boost the fat and calcium content.

Pot of pasta with meat sauce.


  • 3 onions

  • a knob of garlic

  • 4 celery stalks

  • 2 red capsicum

  • Fresh chilli to taste

  • 2 carrots

  • Bag mushrooms

  • 1 - 1.5 kg mince (beef, kangaroo, chicken, turkey or vegie)

  • 1 large eggplant

  • 2 large zucchini

  • 2 cups red wine

  • 400g tomato paste

  • Bay leaves

  • 1 chopped tbspn each rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano, and basil.

  • 1 bunch parsley, chopped

  • 1 kg macaroni or any short non-nesting pasta

Recipe Hacks:

Brown meat and add bolognese jar sauce from supermarket and mix well, dehydrate then add commercial mixed dried vegetables and instant pasta. Or use TVP, or dehydrated TVP. Or use commercial powdered bolognese sachet.


Finely dice all vegetables.

Fry first 6 ingredients in a very large pot in scant olive oil until beginning to caramelise. Remove. Repeat with mushrooms. Remove.

Repeat with eggplant and zucchini. Remove.

Repeat with mince, breaking up thoroughly with a spoon. If freezing or using within a few months of dehydrating, continue to next step. If planning to store at room temperature for up to a year, rinse meat in hot water and drain before next step.

When well browned, add tomato paste to meat. Cook for a few minutes. Add red wine, and return all vegetables to pot. Add hard herbs and a splash of water if it looks too dry. Season well.

Simmer gently uncovered until thick and any oil begins to separate (there shouldn’t be much, but blot this from the surface with a paper towel). Stir in parsley and basil.

If the sauce remains a bit runny, place in a colander and drain the liquid. Cook the liquid until a little thicker then dry separately on a silicone sheet. Once dry, powder it and add back into the other ingredients

Meanwhile par cook pasta (in beef or chicken stock is nice). Mix pasta and sauce together. Adjust seasoning.

Record weight by measuring out a single or double serve on a marked tray, spread remaining mix onto more trays, dehydrate, reweigh,  add in powdered sauce component, and package portions.


Dehydrated Green Chicken Curry


Dehydrated Chicken Minestrone